07:15 AM - Healthy Living Expo and Race Day Registration Opens
08:00 AM - 1 Mile Fun run
08:20 AM - 5K
09:15 AM - Awards
5K & 1 Mile Fun Run/Walk
IDEA Students: Free, DOES NOT include race shirt
IDEA Team & Families: $15, includes race shirt & bib (+2.50 signup fee)
Community Members: $20, includes race shirt & bib (+2.50 signup fee)
Run is rain or shine unless otherwise noted by Race Directors.
There are no refunds.
Top 3 Male & Female Runners in Ages:
- 12 and under
- 13-18
- 18+
Top Campus Participation
An additional Waiver is required to be signed to pick up your packet.
Runners 18+ must pick up their own bibs, runner under 18 must have a parent/guardian present to pick up their packet.
IDEA San Antonio Regional Offices, 7035 San Pedro Avenue:
Thurs, 1/18/24 from 7:30 A.M.-5:30 P.M
Friday, 1/19/24 from 7:30 A.M.-5:30 P.M
Race Day:
STAR Complex
7:15 A.M. - 7:50 A.M.
IDEA Student FunRun Shirts
Each campus is encouraged to show their campus spirit and order & design shirts for their student runners on their own.
IDEA Public Schools has been proving College for All possible for the past twenty years, with this year being no different.
College acceptances are rolling in for our Class of 2024, and the excitement is palpable! From our scholar's first day with IDEA San Antonio, college matriculation is the goal. However, the journey to college can be almost as challenging as the journey through.
Many of our IDEA scholars and their families face significant financial gaps as they plan for college. To help support our scholars, IDEA San Antonio is accepting donations of all sizes for college scholarships!
All money donated goes directly to closing financial gaps for our scholars and getting them to the colleges and universities of their choice!
Please consider donating and directly impacting the students, families, and communities we serve in San Antonio. You can make a difference!