1204 Fair Park Blvd
Harlingen, Texas 78550
Fastest Male
Fastest Female
20161Mike Torres19:0663Lauren Rodriguez21:21151
20181Efrain Garcia20:3481Amparo Alvarez23:53121
20191Joaquin Medina17:2695Ayianna Olivas24:16148
20201Gerardo Hernandez19:49148Vanesa Clements22:59235
20222Sam Phipps15:50141Faith Cruz19:53273
20231Adrian Gudino16:35153Aimee Hernandez21:55228
20241Sam Phipps17:50129Anna Lee Navarro25:17162

Events column is the total number of events for that year
Count column is the total number of participants for that year

Total number of events for this route: 11

Page Activity