Saturday, May 07, 20168:00 am CDT
16520 S Access Rd
Canyon Lake, Texas 78132

The first annual New Life Children's Center "I am Dam Strong" 5k Run/Walk.  This will be held at the Canyon Lake Dam.  New Life Children's Center in Canyon Lake is a residential treatment center for severely troubled girls ages 11 - 17.  New Life is a non profit organization and faith based.  New Life addresses treatment for emotional disorders due to abuse and neglect.  These children arrive at New Life with serious emotional and behavioral disorders stemming from past trauma.  Beyond the basic needs of shelter, clothing and food, New Life has given more than 2,000 girl a safe place to heal.  Money raised will be used to benefit the girls at New Life Children's Center.  There will be medals for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place finishers in each age division both male and female.

**Sleepwalker option has been added!  Can't make it but you'd like to support us!  Choose the sleepwalker option!**

Parking will be at CRRC 125 Mabel Jones Drive, Canyon Lake, Texas 78133.

Schedule: 7:00am - Registration and packet pickup
8:00am - Race Start
Entry Fees: 12 and under $10
Adults $25 until day of race
$30 day of the race
Packet Pickup: Thursday May 5 between 1 p.m.  and 6 p.m. and Friday May 6 between 1 p.m. and 7 p.m. at New Life Children's Center 650 Scarbourough, Canyon Lake, Texas 78133. 
Contact: Leslie Ontiveros @ 830 964 4390 or